Ape Web Apps

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All content copyright ©2010-2024 Ape Apps


Ape Web Apps is a collection of awesome and free HTML5 based web applications and games that you can play right from within your browser, with no plugins required. These free games and apps are optimized to work on devices of any size, from desktop to mobile, and even on your television. Most games feature full gamepad support as well. Ape Web Apps is provided as a free online service from Ape Apps.


All apps listed on Ape Web Apps are Progressive Web Apps. You can learn more about Progressive Web Apps (PWA's) here: https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/. Essentially, once you load one of the following apps or games once on a modern web browser, you will be able to come back and run them again even without an active internet connection In addition, all apps can be 'installed' to your desktop or homescreen and then be opened in their own 'native' window, without browser chrome! Finally, many of the apps listed here (especially the games) include full gamepad support and even work on TV devices like the Amazon Fire TV or the Xbox One!


Help, support, and general discussion for all apps and games on Ape Web Apps is available at the free online community at the Ape Apps Forum. Join today and become a part of the community!


Ape Web Apps is provided as a free online service from Ape Apps. We also offer a wide collection of free mobile and desktop applications. See the entire listing of Ape Apps software and services at the Ape Apps Directory. For the latest Ape Apps news and information, check out the official Ape Apps Blog. For Ape Apps support and discussion, be sure to check out the Ape Apps Forum.

All content copyright ©2010-2024 Ape Apps.